Tag Archives: spontaneous

OUR Inspiration: 9 1/2 weeks

I didn’t think my boyfriend and I were going to end up together…well that wasn’t my initial plan anyway.

Christmas Eve, he picked me up at a club, telling him that he only had one week with me until the guy I was seeing was going to be back from his holiday. It didn’t phase him as he was also seeing other girls.

But most importantly I told him:   “DO NOT fall in love with me!”

He looked me straight in the eye and said, “that’s the same thing I say to all my girls.”

I have to say, his charm definitely captivated me. He took me back to his house, had THE best sex and I went home to celebrate Christmas with my family.

A couple of days later he asked me if I knew of the book (that also inspired the movie) ‘9 1/2 weeks’. I had heard of the movie but I didn’t know what it was about. He smiled and got me to read this description….

“9½ Weeks is a 1986 erotic drama film.  The title of the film refers to the duration of a relationship between a Wall Street investor and a SoHo art gallery employee. The two meet and lead a (somewhat) violent, kinky sex life.”

The thought of a short affair between the two of us deeply excited me.  I instantly became comfortable and more open with him, thinking that what we were going to embark on was something spontaneous, uncertain & very kinky.

And indeed it was; except it has lasted more than 9 1/2 weeks…..

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