Tag Archives: letting go

A Highly Addictive Cautionary Tale

I can’t get enough of Jenna Jameson’s autobiography How To Make Love Like A Porn Star.

It’s such a good read and I’ve always wondered how girls have gotten into the industry.  But you have to admit that Jenna is a cut above the rest known for being the top in the industry.  The book is filled with a collection of personal photographs and letters that makes it much more personal than just a written account of her life.

It’s important to note that porn stars or anyone for that matter weren’t born and decided from that moment on that being in the sex industry was their calling.  Sometimes it’s a host of experiences and heartbreaks in life that steer you down the path of no return.  I don’t want to spoil how she got into the industry because some of you might want to read it, but I have to say that even though I haven’t gone through half the things she’s gone through, there’s still a part of me that can truly relate to the experiences we share in common and I’m sure a lot of you out there will too.  We can’t forget that at the end of the day we’re all human.

I highly recommend the book as it’s such an inspiration to read and a definite page turner.  Funnily enough I found out about the book during my feminist class as one of them was horrified at the fact that a porn star had written an autobiography.  So I made a mental note to look for it but later on came across it at a bookstore, flipped through it and knew I had to have it.

To avoid being as narrow minded as my fellow feminist classmate, I want to make it a point from now on to truly respect and not fight against certain beliefs that other people may have.  There’s a part of me that’s just heartbroken from certain beliefs I felt were forced upon me and I think I need to let them go in order to move on.  I know that I have certain beliefs that other people may find disturbing or just plain wrong, but once again I’m not here to offend, I’m just here to share my open-mindedness about sex and all it’s beautiful aspects x

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Filed under Inspirational, kinky, Sex

moving on…

i’ve decided to make another blog in my attempt to get over my ex.  i’ve decided that it was time to move on because if i stayed in that train wreck, i’d eventually get hurt in the end coz inevitably one day, he’ll come to me and tell me he’s moved on or worse, has fucked someone else or more likely, other people.  i can’t afford to sit around and wait for that day to happen, nor do i deserve it.  a few nights ago i realized that it was hurting me and making me para ‘staying’ with him, but it hurt not being with him too.  i had to accept that it is what it is.  it’s shyt, we want different things, we’re not understanding each other anymore and it’s best if we just part ways and live our lives separately.  i don’t know what the future holds for us, but i do know for certain that i own the now, and i intend to live it in the best way possible.  i don’t want to be emo anymore nor do i want to be angry or have a low self-esteem from fucking unfair expectation’s put on by someone who i thought loved me. 


god bless this blog for here i can openly say what i want *ahhh* 


this is not a brothel


on another note, slowly creeping back are the fucking idiots who i used to be with *urgh* i think they think that cause i’m single, it means i’m going to give them a free fuck.  they couldn’t be further from the truth.  so i wrote this little blog post on my other blog to let them know how i felt:


I think there may be a slight misunderstanding here boys…. I’m single, NOT a free fuck. Although, there are brothel’s and escort’s you can go to & they will be more than happy to cater to your needs. So please stop contacting me if it’s ASS that you’re after.

note: this is in no way, shape or form directed at my ex/bf.


in the brilliant words of einstein, “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results is insanity.”  i’ve been doing the same fucking thing over and over again for years and i’m thru with it.  i’m thru with fuckheads so from this moment on i’m starting from a clean slate; no more ex’s, no more fuck buddies, nothing. 


it’s a new beginning for me and i love the person that i’m becoming x 


Filed under Advice, Sex, Uncategorized, Words of Wisdom