Tag Archives: lesbian

god bless the pussy wagon

i love this video! lady gaga has an amazingly creative mind throughout all her video’s; i love the hidden messages in all of them.  

but most importantly, god bless quentin tarantino; my fav director of all time who knows what the pussy power is all about x


“Trust is like a mirror.  You can fix it if it’s broken, but you can still see the crack in that mother fucker’s reflection!”

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same-sex marriage

a lot of the western world at the moment are having a big debate on same-sex marriage.

my opinion on the controversial topic?  maybe i’m a bit bias because i’m bi-sexual, but i really don’t see anything wrong with  it!

i’ve always believed that you are born gay and that it is not a choice.  just as you were either born a girl or a boy…or of whatever nationality; you had no control over it.

i don’t believe that just because someone is ‘gay’ that they don’t have the right to love.  marriage IS about the union of two people, two people who are in love with each other and who want to take their relationship and commitment to the next level.

no one should have that right taken away from them, regardless of whether they are straight or gay.

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Filed under Memoir, The NOW, Words of Wisdom