Tag Archives: Inspirational

fearless and therefore powerful quote

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Filed under Quote & Unquote

three grand essentials to happiness

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Filed under Inspirational, Quote & Unquote

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Filed under Advice, Inspirational

i just wanted everyone to know that…

i trust that you all had a wonderful start to the year!  i’m sorry i’ve been away for so long but i promise that this year WILL be a good one filled with more juicy stories, inspiration and eye candy for all of you.  i’ve missed all of you and i wish you all the very best in your endeavors this coming year x

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Filed under Introduction

everything is magic until it becomes routine

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Filed under Eye Candy, Inspirational, My Love . My Passion, Sex, Words of Wisdom


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Filed under Inspirational, My Love . My Passion, Quote & Unquote, Words of Wisdom

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Filed under Inspirational, My Love . My Passion, Quote & Unquote

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Filed under Inspirational, Quote & Unquote, Words of Wisdom