Tag Archives: hot girls


the next strip club we embarked on was renowned for where the underground mafia go and hang out. for now i’ll refer to it as ‘B20’.

as soon as i walked in i saw a dyke with an attitude walk in from the other room behind us angrily asking if she was entitled to her break yet. the guy gave my boy his change, smiled and answered her question in a low voice to subtly imply that she too shouldn’t be so outspoken.

she was the first girl i had a crush on that night. she reminded me SO much of my ex-gf that i couldn’t help but be fond of her. not to mention she was hot in that masculine but still a chick kind of way.

we walked upstairs to the main arena, dim and lit up with red lights. i always wondered why they used red lights, probably to give it that ambiance exactly like how they portray it in movies, except BETTER. we both needed to go to the toilet so we parted for a moment and when i came out a stripper was trying to chat up my bf! i was more surprised at the fact that i was NOT the least bit jealous! (a lil side note on myself is that i used to be extremely jealous. not of girls but i never wanted anyone being anywhere near my bf’s….even though i didn’t even like them that much. even i don’t know the reason so yeh…)

also back to what i said in my previous post, that stripper’s don’t usually go for ‘couple’s’ coz they think they’re just there for a lil perve or to keep an eye on their better half…so as soon as i was out of the picture, this stripper dives in the for the kill! as soon as she saw me she gave me a big hug and said happy birthday in the most fakest way possible (if there is even such a word! but i’m sure you get what i mean!) she tried to make petty conversation with me and i decided to walk to a table to watch the show that was about to begin. she followed us there but we didn’t pay much attention to her as we both didn’t find her that attractive. 

*my lil theory on stripper’s is that, i don’t care how skinny or even pretty you are, if you don’t have big tits, i don’t want your company. luckily the boy is also down with my theory. 

looking around room searching for a hottie, my boy spotted one; long blonde hair, big tits with the perfect tan. i have to admit she looked pretty nasty but i liked it! i kept eyeing her letting her know i was interested and that she should leave that geriatric she was trying to work her magic on.

she ended up leaving him and came and approached us. surprisingly enough she was really nice and it attracted her to me even more. i grabbed my boy’s thigh and with a big smile i asked for a lapdance!

she took us into the room and i’m telling you i was holding back SO bad from trying not to touch her! she had THE hottest body and when she rubbed her tits in my face i couldn’t help but want to wrap my lips around her jutted nipples.

she was all over me and i couldn’t help but get SO excited! not mention horny and she smelt oh so good! my favourite part was when she got me to undo her little pink panties…i pulled on each string at each side of her ever so slowly loving the smoothness of her skin on my fingertips.

she loved kneeling down and grabbing my tits even though it was unfair that i couldn’t grab hers. nevertheless, i’m not one to complain when a hot girl is feeling me up and giving me compliment’s on how hot my body was also! my bf could barely contain himself 😉 the dance ended too soon and i couldn’t help but want to share my experience with him also!

we gave her more cash and i sat back and enjoyed her being all over my bf. you wouldn’t believe how turned on i got from the whole experience, especially seeing her bend over to show him her tight ass…i couldn’t help but fantasize about him giving it to her hard!

i have to admit that has been the topic for our dirty talk and has given us both very happy endings 😉



Filed under Memoir, My Birthday Week, Sex, The One NOW

birthday dinner and then some…

i spent the majority of my day basically pampering myself.  i think EVERYONE should do this on their birthday because you truly DO owe it to yourself.  whether you’re a guy or a girl you gotta pamper yourself; whether it be shopping, sleeping in, eating junk food, WHATEVER! just as long as you spend your day having fun and doing what you love…coz this is exactly what i did on my birthday! 

i made it a point to do everything that i loved so this included getting my nails done, buying product for my hair (this is because i don’t feel 100% beautiful unless my hair and nails look good), going to a bookstore and i did a lot of shopping, including buying a banging outfit for my birthday dinner.  

so i finally met up with my boy and we got ready at our place.  not to mention a lil birthday sex before heading out 😉 

we had a DELICIOUS dinner at nobu which also happens to be my favourite restaurant! (i highly recommend the yellowtail sashimi with jalopeno it is SCRUMPTIOUS! i’m drooling as i’m typing this!) for those who don’t know bout nobu, it is a restaurant that specializes in food that is a mixture of japanese and south american influences, so the flavours are to die for! 

after a few sips of my mojito i started to relax a bit more and i have to admit that drinking gets me that tad bit horny 😉

i suggested that after our dinner we head off to the stripper’s to put a lil bit of kinkiness into my birthday night! since i love hot girls with big tits, i had to include it in the list of things i loved doing ESPECIALLY on my birthday! 

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Filed under Memoir, My Birthday Week