Tag Archives: handcuffs

the start of my birthday fun!


my twitter left off with me being kicked out of my room so that the boy could organise everything.  it was quite funny cause i’m pretty sure that our housemates thought i got kicked out coz we were fighting. siting in the hallway with my lappy and a smoke, there was just no other reason for me to be there. 

finally the door opened i was told to close my eyes as i got my lappy taken away from me and a blindfold wrapped around my eyes. 

i walked into the room and instantly i smelt the familiar smell of candles burning.  i excitedly thought, 

omg he’s baked me a cake!!

he slowly lifted the blindfold off my eyes and i was greeted with a room filled with rose petals and candles! it took my breath away, i couldn’t believe it! i’ve always wanted to have rose petals and candles done for me, i was so touched *tear*

and i was also right about the cake! well, almost….

he didn’t quite bake me a cake but he did make an attempt to create the ‘penis jizzing on boobs’ cake that i had requested!  he put together a chocolate roll, with two chocolate muffins as balls, two round danish scrolls for the boobs topped with two puffy pink marshmallow’s as the nipples… the boobs sprayed in whipped cream so that it looked like the penis had jizzed on the boobs! i COULDN’T stop laughing! i LOVED it! 

i was so touched by the romantic and kinky way that he started off my birthday. 

i gave him a big hug, took his hand and led him to our bed that was beautifully covered in rose petals, and a pair of handcuffs eagerly waiting to get the fun started! 

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Filed under My Birthday Week, Sex

confiscated handcuffs

A couple of years back I dated a guy from high school that was head over heels in love with me (sorry I believe in being honest at all times ;)) He admitted it to me AFTER I had become single and moved interstate and since we were good friends, I thought it would only be fair to give us a shot.

A couple of months down the track he came down to visit me and after two weeks of living in a small hotel room and incessant fighting, we realised that maybe we weren’t right for each other. That, and long distance relationship’s were destined to fail anyway.

(He didn’t learn his lesson as he came back to visit me a few more times as the years went by claiming that things would be different but they never were…but that’s another story for another time.)

So the day finally came that we were to part ways and say goodbye and it couldn’t have come any quicker! I was a little sad that he was going to be leaving but I knew that we wouldn’t work out anyway, we were too different in personalities. In other words, he was too boring and uptight. We were both cool with going back to being friends without it being awkward.

We got to the airport security checks and before we went through he jokingly said,

“they’re so going to think I’m a terrorist suspect with all these Muslim books my mum got me to buy!”

we had a little laugh about it as he placed his bag full of books onto the conveyor belt.  I went through first fine, and went to go to the toilet. I came out and to my surprise he was pulled aside and was getting questioned by security. My first thought was,

“fuck….they really DO think he’s a terrorist suspect!

So I made my way over to him as quickly as possible noticing how flushed and embarrassed he was. The security guard turned to me and asked,

“are these yours?”

holding up a pair of handcuffs. I turned even redder than my ex. I gulped and nodded my head. I felt like EVERYONE in the airport was looking at us and I couldn’t help but want to run out of the airport right then and there! The security guard explained that they couldn’t allow the handcuff’s to be taken past that point and that I was more than welcome to come pick them up later when I passed the security point on my way out. I politely declined his kind offer, apologized, grabbed my ex by the arm and dragged him the hell out of there!

We laughed the whole way to his departure gate and managed to say our goodbye’s with smiles on our faces.  I was glad that I left him with something to tell his friends and a funny memory to look back on!

Note: I have since gotten myself a sexy new pair 😉

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Filed under Memoir, The OBSESSIVE One