Tag Archives: adventurous

the end of my week long birthday

it has been a hectic but very fun birthday week!

in my previous posts i mentioned a list of surprises my bf had in store for me so i thought i’d update you all on what he had done 🙂


this was one of the surprises that i had already knew of in advance because he had to make sure i was going to be able to attend. he got me a memoir writing workshop for this weekend and i can’t WAIT to attend!


our delicious dinner at nobu.


he gave me a magic show! it was GREAT! i can’t even begin to describe how good it was! it was a magic show more towards the lines of derron brown…i think he’s got great potential but unfortunately he just wants to keep it as a hobby. my favourite trick was when he told me to think of any card and to write it down. i wrote down my card on a pad he gave me and put it into my pocket. at no time during the show did he get to look at it. at the end of the show he told me that there would be a card within the pile of cards he had placed half a metre behind me that would be turned over and THAT would be my card. unfortunately when we turned it over, it was one number before mine, with the suite being correct. he told me to turn the pad that i had written my card on over and it said, “the card within the pile will be one number less than the card you thought of“. i thought it was ABSOLUTELY amazing!


this particular category could pretty much fit into almost everything we did! from the rose petals to the stripper hopping, this was one of the main ways he kept my birthday week…very sexy 😉


he got me a book written by nancy friday in the 70’s called ‘my secret garden‘. he knows right now i’m into the ‘science‘ i guess you can say around sexual fantasies; i wanna know why people have them, how they have them, etc. i’ve read about a quarter of the book and i HIGHLY recommend it! nancy is GREAT! also one of my biggest inspiration’s ♥


he also got me another book ‘empress orchid‘. one of the first erotic books that i read when i was younger that really opened my eyes to the power and depth of sexuality, the reason why i am who i am today.

smelly (which is my BIGGEST pet hate so i really hope it’s nothing too bad :( )

 i automatically thought this was going to be a bad smelly! it put that little twist into everything but he actually got me perfume that i had really wanted! it was a great surprise! 


i would have to say that the egg vibrator controlled by a remote control was pretty kinky 😉 he wanted a tease me with it in my panties on our way to places and also at the strip clubs. he also wanted to experiment with the stripper having full control over me by having the remote but i thought i’d leave that adventure for another time!



he took me ice skating which was also something child like. a lot of the activities and surprises he had for me overlapped with other categories on the list which i thought was mad!

overall i had a wonderful and memorable birthday week! i couldn’t ask for more, thank you B*

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Filed under Memoir, My Birthday Week, Sex, The One NOW

the birthday card

the boy picked me up about 2 1/2 hours ago and gave me a very beautiful card! in it were some clues about what i’m goin to expect for my upcoming “birthday week”.  he wrote:

this week is your birthday and i have put together something:







smelly (which is my BIGGEST pet hate so i really hope it’s nothing too bad :()




apparently, NOT in that order. 

my first surprise will come when i hear the alarm on his phone go off at 12am…30mins from now!

im TOO excited! 😀


Filed under Memoir, My Birthday Week, Sex, The One NOW