Category Archives: Video

god bless the pussy wagon

i love this video! lady gaga has an amazingly creative mind throughout all her video’s; i love the hidden messages in all of them.  

but most importantly, god bless quentin tarantino; my fav director of all time who knows what the pussy power is all about x


“Trust is like a mirror.  You can fix it if it’s broken, but you can still see the crack in that mother fucker’s reflection!”

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Filed under Inspirational, Love is all you need, Postsecrets, Video

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our love’s the perfect crime

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Filed under Sex, The One NOW, Video

my birthday was all about; love & sexy magic


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Filed under My Birthday Week, Sex, Video

make him stay

an insight into our relationship…this is a song the boy dedicated to me early in our relationship.  both being renowned playa’s…but i was able to make him stay.

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Filed under Love is all you need, Sex, The One NOW, Video

oh snap son!

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sadistic much?

it’s amazing what people will under the authority of a ‘man in a white coat‘ 


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thank you for inspiring us all & helping us change for the better x


Filed under Inspirational, My Love . My Passion, Video

my other ♥’s; pharrell & strippers

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Filed under My Love . My Passion, Sex, Video