Category Archives: Quote & Unquote

fearless and therefore powerful quote

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Filed under Quote & Unquote

three grand essentials to happiness

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Filed under Inspirational, Quote & Unquote

i love you . i miss you . i need you

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Filed under Eye Candy, Inspirational, Love is all you need, Quote & Unquote

Alice In Wonderland Quote


Filed under Inspirational, Quote & Unquote, Words of Wisdom


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Filed under Inspirational, My Love . My Passion, Quote & Unquote, Words of Wisdom

get excited & masturbate


Filed under Inspirational, Quote & Unquote, Sex, Words of Wisdom


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Filed under Inspirational, Quote & Unquote, Sex, Words of Wisdom

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Filed under Inspirational, My Love . My Passion, Quote & Unquote

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Filed under Inspirational, My Love . My Passion, Quote & Unquote, Words of Wisdom

i dedicate this to B

you are the love of my life...nothing will ever change that.

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Filed under Memoir, My Love, Quote & Unquote, The One NOW